Sunday, September 19, 2010


For the Fourth Partial

Look closely at the links to the following videos, readings, and posts;
there will be questions about some or all of these on your Fourth Partial Quiz...

NOTE:  Within each of these links listed here are several other links.  Questions for the Partial Quiz will be created ONLY from the links within the links listed here that are marked in RED lettering.


For the Third Partial

Look closely at the links to the following videos, readings, and posts;
there will be questions about some or all of these on your Third Partial Quiz...

NOTE:  Within each of these links listed here are several other links.  Questions for the Partial Quiz will be created ONLY from the links within the links listed here that are marked in RED lettering.


For the Second Partial

Look closely at the links to the following videos, readings, and posts;
there will be questions about some or all of these on your Second Partial Quiz...

NOTE:  Within each of these links listed here are several other links.  Questions for the Partial Quiz will be created ONLY from the links within the links listed here that are marked in RED lettering.


For the First Partial

Look closely at the links to the following videos, readings, and posts;
there will be questions about some or all of these on your First Partial Quiz...


NOTE:  Within each of these links listed here are several other links.  Questions for the Partial Quiz will be created ONLY from the links within the links listed here that are marked in RED lettering.




This class, English Ecologies, is an Advanced English Class designed to improve your Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing in English with the goal of achieving a score of 550 or higher on the TOEFL Exam.

Those of you who receive a score of 550 or higher on the TOEFL Exam, which you will be taking in the Fourth Partial, will receive a grade of 100 for this class.  Also, if you do this, you meet the requirement necessary to graduate from the Tec!

Those of you who receive a score of 549 or lower on the TOEFL Exam will be given a grade of "N/A" for this class; and your grade will remain "N/A" until you achieve (on your own) a score of 550 or higher.  And you will not be allowed to graduate from the Tec until your make that happen!

SO, the Syllabus for this class is very simple:  

Each partial you will be given a Partial Quiz that will ask you 20 questions about ANYTHING related to our class.  Most of these questions will be taken directly from practice TOEFL Exams or Grammar Activities or Handouts that we look at in class.  Each question is worth 5 points of your Partial Grade.  If you are in class, paying attention and participating, looking at all the videos and readings Your Teacher asks you to look at, you should easily be able to get a 100 on each Partial Quiz.

100 % Each Partial Grade
The Grade You Get on the Partial Quiz
5 Points for any "Did You Do It?" Activities you didn't do

"Did You Do It?" Activities
Your Teacher will randomly assign these "Did You Do It?" Activities -- either to be done in class or outside of class -- and if you do them your Partial Grade will not change.  If you don't do them, you will lose 5 points off you Partial Grade for each one not completed.

Final Grade
550 or Higher = 100%
550 or Lower = N/A
Note: If the average of your four partial grades is less than 70% you will fail this course and have to repeat it!




Since taking attendance mostly teaches obedience instead of responsibility, it is desirable and healthy to reduce how much emphasis is put upon it as much as possible.

That said, the educational system in which we interact requires Your Teacher to enter attendance at the beginning of each class into SAPPA.

SO... what we are going to do is this:  IF, by the exact time class officially starts, Your Teacher sees more than 10% of the class absent, attendance will be taken by passing around a piece of paper where you will sign next to your name/matricula to prove you were in class.

If you show up after the attendance list has been passed around and signed, and Your Teacher has already entered that list into SAPPA, you will still be counted absent.

Make sense?



10 Points for Each Category

1. One Page Description about Your Project -- What You Experienced and Learned?
2. Good style, dynamic, active, interactive, confident, flowed well?
3. Spoke clearly, with volume, good pronunciation?
4. Creative, not predictable, new and fresh, unexpected?
5. Between 5 - 7 minutes long?
6. Presented on day assigned, ready to present on time, no delays?
7. Good info presented, well researched and thought out, deep into your topic, useful?
8. Grabbed and held our attention, made us care and keep us interested?
9. Showed WHY you love, care about, etc, your topic?
10. What you did fit what the project called for (to be announced by Your Teacher)?


There will be 20 questions on each Partial Quiz, and each question will be worth 5 points.


10 of these questions will be written by Your Teacher, based on ANYTHING related to this class that happened during each partial: videos, texts, activities, lectures given by Your Teacher, presentations, projects, blogs, in-class conversations, etc, etc, etc.


The other 10 questions will be written by ALL OF YOU.

Your questions should always appear in this format:


Which word is an Adverb?

(a) Dead
(b) Milk
(c) Softly
(d) Banjo tune

Each of you (individually) will submit one question each for each partial.

Note: This is a Did You Do It? Activity! )

Your question should have Four Potential Answers. Each wrong answer should sound/seem plausible, yet be clearly wrong if you know the information / subject being asked about. The ONE right answer should be obvious if you know the information / subject being asked about, yet also be similar enough to the other 3 answers so as not to be blatantly obvious.

Questions can and should be written about ONLY the following things: videos and readings Your Teacher told you to look at for that partial.

All of you, as an entire class, will have to organize yourselves carefully because what you need to do, each partial, is to collect one question from each of you, put all of these questions in ONE email, and email that to Your Teacher at least 3 class days before the day of each Partial Quiz:

Sello A

This ONE email should contain:

1. ONE QUESTION from EACH STUDENT; there MUST be one question from each student or the activity will be considered incomplete.

2. Each ONE QUESTION should be in EXACTLY the format described here.

3. The STUDENT'S NAME and MATRICULA should also be included with each question submitted.

Note: Since this is a "Did You Do It?" Activity, if the steps listed and described here are not followed exactly, the whole class will lose 5 points off their Partial Grade! So make sure you do it right!



Some activities (like your Partial Projects) Graded Activities and are directly part of your grade. Some activities are Just To Do It Activities -- they are not graded and you do not turn them into me, we just do them to do them. And some activities are "Did You Do It?" Activities, which means: if you do these activities by the time they are supposed to be done your grade will stay the same; if you don't do these activities by the time they are supposed to be done, you will lose 5 points off your Partial Grade for EACH one not completed. Some of these "Did You Do It?" Activities are done Individually, and some are done in Groups. Your Teacher will let you know in class, mostly at random, when an activity is a "Did You Do It?" Activity, or a Graded Activity, or Just To Do It Activity.


Each Partial, at least 3 class periods before each Partial Quiz, you will send an email to Your Teacher, expressing some or all of the following themes:

How you feel about how the class for that partial (activities you liked, things you didn't like, things you would like more of or to have done differently, etc).

Your thoughts on how the class can be improved.

Any thoughts, feelings, reactions, questions, etc, about things we have discussed or done in or outside of class that partial.

Keep in mind that NO class is perfect, and that EVERY class is a process, something that is continuously changing. It is impossible to please everyone; but it's always good to get input so that new, fresh ideas are always being expressed, circulated, discussed, and incorporated. So the spirit of these responses is to be as helpful as possible in making the class as dynamic, fun, interesting, important, wonderful, etc, as it can be.


Each Partial you will be assigned Readings, Links, and Videos to look at on class our blog and on the internet. Your Teacher will provide a list of these Readings, Links, and Videos for you to look at Each Partial.

Our class will be divided into 4 groups. These groups will be called upon to give QUESTIONS and COMMENTS each week, in class.

Groups 1 and 2
will present on the FIRST 1.5 HOUR CLASS of Each Week!

Groups 3 and 4
will present on the SECOND 1.5 HOUR CLASS of Each Week!

These QUESTIONS + COMMENTS sessions will occur (at random, when necessary) in the last 1/2 hour of class, during classes that are 1.5 hours in length.


Look at ANY POSTS ON THE BLOG or ANY READINGS OR LINKS OR VIDEOS ASSIGNED BY YOUR TEACHER FOR THAT PARTIAL and come to class prepared with at least 3 questions to ask The Class / Your Teacher about those Posts, Videos, Links, or Readings. You should be asking questions that (a) show you really looked at and thought about these things, and (b) seek to deepen, clarify, expand, open up discussion about these things.


Look at ANY POSTS ON THE BLOG or ANY READINGS OR LINKS OR VIDEOS ASSIGNED BY YOUR TEACHER FOR THAT PARTIAL and come to class prepared with at least 3 comments to make to The Class / Your Teacher about those Posts, Videos, Links, or Readings. You should be making comments that (a) show you really looked at and thought about these things, and (b) seek to deepen, clarify, expand, open up discussion about these things.